Warex >  Passive xWDM Multiplexers >  DWDM OADM >  WDAD01-xxxx
Warex >  Passive xWDM Multiplexers >  DWDM OADM >  WDAD01-xxxx






19'' 1U Chassis DWDM OADM 1 Channel -40~85 °C

WAREX DWDM Add/Trop optical DWDM wavelengths using high quality filters. They fully support ITU G.694.1 and are the ideal way to add more capacity to an existing fiber network. By multiplexing up to 8 DWDM wavelengths, the capacity of the fiber will be increased significantly. It has 8, 4, 2 and1 channel, which allowing network operators to implement point-to-point, ring and meshed DWDM networks. The DWDM Add/Drop Multiplexers modules are completely passive and therefore do not require electrical power.

The modules are based on 19” 1U Chaissis,which offers a very easy installation and connection process. Industry practice wavelength nomination allows easy set-up and installation resulting in a true Plug and Play experience


  • Operating wavelength up to 8 DWDM wavelengths
  • Low insertion loss
  • Compliant to ITU G.694.1
  • LC/UPC connectors
  • Highly flexible and scalable


  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • ATM 
  • Fibre Channel
  • FTTx 
  • CATV

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